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The Travelling Shops #1

Пътуващото кафене на Роузи

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Роузи беше планирала всичко. Работеше в елитен ресторант в Лондон, имаше прекрасно жилище и съпруг, когото обожаваше, щяха да имат и деца, когато му дойде времето. Но всичко това изчезна в нощта на рождения ѝ ден, когато мъжът ѝ я обвини, че не е достатъчно спонтанна. И призна, че я напуска заради друга.

Ще види той спонтанност! Роузи – с помощта на твърде много вино – похарчва почти всичките си спестявания и купува розов ван на име Попи. Сега може да захвърли всичко и да поеме по пътищата, където да обикаля фестивали и да продава на ентусиазираните посетители вкусни домашни манджи, божествени сладкиши и най-вече великолепните блендове чай, които Роузи прекрасно умее да създава. Но пътят е изпълнен с изпитания – а довчерашната работохоличка няма лесно да се превърне в свободен номад.

С помощта на красивата Ария и нейната пътуваща книжарница за любовни романи, както и на Оливър, красив и загадъчен мъж от онлайн форум за пътешественици, Роузи се втурва в най-голямото приключение на живота си. Където я очаква и Макс, пленителният съсед, който прави най-вкусните здравословни вегански изкушения, но и който я влудява с всяко свое действие.

По пътищата човек може да открие всичко. Дори себе си.

Дизайнер на корица: Фиделия Косева

332 pages, Paperback

First published March 4, 2019

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About the author

Rebecca Raisin

33 books1,068 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 953 reviews
Profile Image for Mackey.
1,109 reviews362 followers
February 8, 2019
Rosie had everything she ever had wished for: the perfect husband, she was the sous chef at a Michelin rated restaurant, two perfect children – well, they were perfectly planned out in her future where they would be perfect to be sure – and she lived in a perfect apartment. Until she walked in on her birthday to find her not-so-perfect husband with a pre-packed bag walking out on her for another woman! Rosie’s very perfect life was shattered. So she did what any sane woman would do – she drank a lot of cheap wine and unknowingly used all of her savings to purchase a hot pink RV named Poppy! Rosie gives it all up – the perfect apartment, the perfect job, the Michelin stars and hits the road with Poppy to open a pop-up tea shop.

I’ve recently read quite a few books about women who have hit a crisis point in their lives and, throwing caution to the wind, leave everything behind to open a bakery, bookstore, coffee shop, etc. Rosie’s story, however, hit notes of reality that I found myself relating to on multiple layers. She was alone, in fact she was a loner in general. She had used her savings to purchase Poppy so money was not a luxury for her. When Poppy breaks down, she has to rely on the kindness of others and scrabble together new ways to make money to pay for the repairs. She got herself mixed up in a “catfishing” scheme that was extremely realistic and, sadly, happens far too often to women online. I found myself nodding throughout the book, saying yes, yep, been there, done that. I suspect we all have – or will – find ourselves in similar situations. That’s not to say that Rosie did nothing except make mistakes. Along her journey, she made true friends, learned real lessons, renewed her self-esteem and discovered that she could fall down, take chances, and get back up again to carry on. She found love and laughter in the most unusual places but learned that she also could stand on her own two feet when she needed to do so.

Rosie’s Traveling Tea Shop is a wonderfully written story of friendship, love, self-discovery and person growth – a true delight to read for all.

Many thanks to #Netgalley, @Jaxandwillsmum and @HQDigital
Profile Image for Obsidian.
2,911 reviews1,047 followers
December 13, 2021
Wow. This was not a good romance book. I never even got a handle on Rosie and her marriage. The romance with Max was forced and not realistic. And I hate it that we had a love interest that bullied the heroine but we are supposed to root for them. The friendship with Aria was a mess. I didn’t even get why she kept pushing for Rosie to get with Max. There was an interesting idea there, but the execution fell apart.

"Rosie's Traveling Tea Shop" is the first book in Raisin's The Traveling Shops series. I read the second book first and liked it, so thought I would go back to the first book. Bad idea. The first book follows Rosie who is working at a Michelin star restaurant in London. It's her birthday and her husband informs her he is leaving her and she finds out he has someone else that all of their restaurant "friends" knew about. Rosie is devastated and does not know what she wants to do. Drinking until she sleeps, she wakes up and finds out she bought a RV. Rosie ends up deciding to chuck it all and go traveling in her RV and get back to what she loved which was apparently making teas (don't ask) and baking food. She meets a woman named Aria she becomes close to and meets several people on the road.

Sigh. This book was too rushed. I wish we had got a sense of Rosie in London. In her marriage. Anything. It felt like Raisin wanted to push her out the door to the RV plot and we didn't get a decent set up of what she lost. I also hated that Aria was pushing Rosie constantly when she had an even bigger emotional mess. And I hated that Aria acted like Rosie's divorce was something to get over. I was tired of their back and forths. And Aria talking like she was a 70 year old "wise woman".

Max was awful. I don't like romance books when you have the so called hero doing what he did which was push Rosie into things. And it's not like it was about opening her horizons. I don't recall him eating meat or just letting her be still. Him forcing her to go off and do adventure/sports stuff and eat vegan food got on my nerves. Also there was zero chemistry there. It felt like she was supposed to like him because Aria said so.
The book reads very rough and unfinished.

There's not a real plot. We have Rosie going around with the travelers. And her fighting feelings for Max. It got tedious. Don't expect any closure to Rosie's first marriage.
Profile Image for Rachel Gilbey.
2,986 reviews542 followers
January 12, 2019
For Rosie it is a journey of self discovery as well as a trip around the UK, after she buys a campervan while drunk the evening her husband leave her for another woman.

He accuses her of being predictable and suspects his leaving won't have any effect, whereas it is soon apparent it was the best thing he could have ever done for Rosie.

Rosie is filled with self doubt and it was wonderful to see how she developed over the course of the summer, travelling around various festivals in her brand new travelling tea-shop. The first person she meets at her first campsite is Aria, who runs a travelling bookshop.

They team up and Rosie starts blending teas inspired by classic books which all sounded perfect - after all cream teas and books go together so well. I really enjoyed getting to know Aria and just why she was travelling too.

In fact there are all manner of interesting people on the travelling van circuit, and a whole variety of different festivals where they popped up over the summer months.

As I have come to expect from a book from Rebecca Raisin, it has a wonderful warm feel to it, everything is really well described, there is some humour and the back stories make you think a bit too. There is even a gorgeous guy, who continued to surprise both me and Rosie.

This was such a pleasure to read, I lost myself within the pages and felt as though I was at the various festivals with Rosie. And Poppy her bright pink campervan is fabulous too.

An incredibly enjoyable book and I already know that the wait for the next book by this talented author will be far too long!

Thank you to Netgalley and HQ Digital for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily,.
Profile Image for Elle G. Reads.
1,696 reviews901 followers
February 24, 2019
Release Date: March 3, 2019
Genre: Chick Lit
Actual Rating: 4 stars

What a lovely story! I don't recall reading a book by Rebecca Raisin but that will certainly change once she releases more books. I really enjoyed this one. The author incorporated delicious desserts and teas while showing us that sometimes change isn't a bad thing. I think any reader who is in need of a pick me up should check out Rosie's Traveling Tea Shop. It's an eye opening novel and filled with some amazing character growth and experiences. I certainly wouldn't mind traveling with Rosie and learning a thing or two from her along the way.

In the story readers will meet Rosie who is in the process of divorcing her cheating husband. When he calls her a cold fish and a person who fights change and excitement she decides it's time to pack her bags and head out on the open road. During her journey she finds love in the one thing that has always been dear to her- cooking and baking- and sharing it with others. She also finds herself unexpectedly opening up to a world of possibilities she never could have imagined! Readers, follow Rosie on her delightful journey. You will smile, laugh, and even cry with the characters!
Profile Image for Amber.
1,100 reviews
July 2, 2023
When Rosie's husband Callum tells her on her birthday that he is done with their marriage because he had an affair with another woman, Rosie's life is turned upside down. So she quits her restaurant job, buys a camper tiny home type travelling van and decides to try the van lifer life and start a tea shop business on the road. Will she succeed or will her plans all blow up in smoke? Read on and find out for yourself.

This was a great cozy romance read to get me started for the month of July and if you enjoy cozy romance novels, then be sure to check this book out at your local library and wherever books and ebooks are sold.
Profile Image for Eeva.
841 reviews41 followers
June 5, 2019
I received a copy of this book from a Publisher for an honest review.

I usually love books like that, but unfortunately this one just did not lived up to my expectations.
I appreciate the fact that Rosie, the protagonist, did not open a cute cafe/bookshop in Cornwall as it usually happens in those books, but hit the road - that was very refreshing.
Unfortunately the rest of the book fell flat. The characters are bland, they're neither likable nor unlikable, the romance is lukewarm at best.
To secure spot at huge festivals like Fringe or Hay-on-Wye or Glastonbury (especially Glastonbury) you have to apply months in advance, you can't just turn up, park your travelling tea shop wherever you please and do business. Also, if you want to sell food to people you have to have a green light from so many agencies (like FSA etc), you can't just go with the flow because you feel like it - Rosie as a sous chef should know that.

Overall it's not a bad book, but it's not good wither.
Actual rating - 2.5, rounded up to 3 because I don't feel it's fair to give it 2stars
Profile Image for Jenny (Reading Envy).
3,876 reviews3,523 followers
February 17, 2021
Set in the UK, this is the everything is fine, hashtag vanlife, hashtag digital nomad, baked goods and old books, romance and friendship book. It came out on the 16th and is an antidote to the burnout you've been feeling. Recommended for a feel-good read!

I had access to a copy from the publisher through NetGalley.
Profile Image for Christopher.
268 reviews305 followers
March 3, 2019
For Rosie, scheduling ahead has always led to good things. She’s got a great job as a sous chef in a Michelin-Starred restaurant, a seemingly great husband, and even plans for children in January 2021. But then she arrives home one day to find her husband with one foot out the door as he admits to carrying on an affair. Rosie turns to several glasses of wine only to wake up the next day with a hangover and a pink campervan named Poppy parked outside her home. Throwing her carefully planned life behind her, Rosie sets off with the idea of a travelling tea shop brewing in her mind.

When readers are first introduced to Rosie, she’s a woman completely sure of her worldview. And yet, within a few pages, author Rebecca Raisin lets all of this crumble due to a cheating husband— her family, her job, everything changes. It’s a moment of intense vulnerability, and it’s genius because it gives Rosie so much space to grow as a person. These early scenes are painful, as they should be, but Rosie has determination mingling with her self-doubt, and the tone is always optimistic even at her bleakest moments.

Of course, this is mostly because she forces herself into adventure. After some hesitation over driving Poppy, she’s soon living the life as a proprietor of a tea shop on the road. Immediately, she forms a friendship with Aria, a travelling bookshop owner. They’re bond feels real and carries the action from location to location as they grow closer, sometimes needle each other, and share stories over tea. This also helps keep the story grounded, rather than having Rosie jet off from festival to festival alone. Though the locales might change, their bond provides continuity and the foreshadowing of more fun.

Raisin most certainly does not skimp on the romance, and it’s perhaps the most compelling component of the book. Rosie initially chats online with Ollie, a photographer, who guides her through the van life. Once she’s up and running, she meets Max, a vegan pacifist, who she finds completely swoon-worthy … even if she won’t admit it. It’s a complicated triangle, and how Raisin eventually ties everything up is completely unexpected and satisfying.

For a van life adventure with a perfect ending, check in on Rosie’s Travelling Tea Shop.

Note: I received a free ARC of this book through NetGalley.
Profile Image for Nicola Clough.
878 reviews36 followers
March 19, 2020
I loved this book from the first page made me laugh at times and full of friendship love heartbreak and fun while travelling. It's so well written and you just want to keep reading.
Rosie has her life totally in plan as she's got a husband and the perfect job as a chef in a top resultant. She comes home to find her husband is leaving her and her life comes tumbling down in front of her. She goes to have a drink to drown her sorry then when she wakes up she finds she has brought a bright pink travelling van. She decides to change her life and finish her job and travel round with her van and see the sights but while doing so have her van as a traveling tea shop. She is going to make new friends will she fun love again and will she have fun on her travels.
Profile Image for Mahala.
117 reviews19 followers
April 8, 2020
I'm going to be honest with you, I would never have chosen this book on my own. But it's what my book club voted on, so I gave it a shot. The premise of the story is that Rosie is a Michelin chef whose husband is having an affair and wants a divorce. So Rosie decides she needs to get out of the city and drunkenly purchases a pink bus to open a traveling tea shop in. Adventures ensue.

Pros: It was a sweet book, I'll give it that. It's cutesy and a quick read. Rosie is a sweet character but seemed a bit all over the map. My favorite character was Aria. I don't know what to say about her without giving anything away, but she's the only character that didn't seem just totally surface.
That's about it for pros, tbh.

Cons: The intro seemed a bit rushed to me as I was reading it. When Rosie finds out about the affair almost immediately, the scene is literally only about a page long and the divorce is being processed. Years of marriage settled into divorce in a few sentences? It seemed to me that the author just wanted to get to the main plot and wrap up the backstory as quickly as possible. But it was so quick it was just totally unbelievable.

Max. Max is a fellow "van-lifer" who sells vegan sugar free foods. There's nothing wrong with that. But he's constantly degrading Rosie for her choice to make, eat, and sell comfort foods. He's always trying to get her to change who she is and become vegan despite her protests against it. It's too much. He's made out to be the PERFECT man, physically fit, kind, healthy, adventurous, talented, etc. The list goes on forever. This man is the most one dimensional character I've ever seen, he has NO flaws whatsoever. He drives me crazy because he is the most vanilla character ever written.

The fact that Rosie is pushing herself and being pushed by others to start a new relationship before her divorce is even finalized. I thought this book was going to be about Rosie starting a new life and figuring out who she is and making friends, etc. Instead, it's a "love story" with no real emotion. It's got a love triangle and enemies to friends. Need I say more?

Anyway, the ending is YIKES and I won't say more lest I spoil it for any poor soul wanting to read it.

Would I recommend?
No, this is so very vanilla and forgettable. It's cute, but you could read literally anything else and remember it more.

Profile Image for Claire Louisa.
1,786 reviews117 followers
February 21, 2019
4.5⭐⭐⭐⭐ I loved Rebecca Raisin's Little Paris Collection, the stories were full of romance, heart and life lessons. So when I heard about her new book, I knew I had to read it. Rosie's Travelling Tea Shop has just about convinced me to sell up and hit the road, explore what's out there, stop feeling tied down and stop feeling like I'm not being the real me. This isn't a new feeling or thought, but after reading Rosie, part of me wonders if maybe Rebecca Raisin has been reading my mind. As Rosie says "It strikes me that we humans build these lives for ourselves that have the tendency to trap us." 

Feeling betrayed by her husband, a feeling of being stuck in her life comes to the surface and forces Rosie to reevaluate her life and what she wants from it. It often takes a massive wakeup call to get us to look at where we are and where we are going and Rosie is no exception. Except Rosie, with the help of a bottle or two of wine, buys a fushia pink campervan named 'Poppy'. Without really knowing what she's doing, but with a sense of adventure and trepidation, and a need to try something new, Rosie sets off with a vague plan to find herself, her 'real' self, as well as get away from London and the Restaurant Industry gossip. Rosie's talent is cooking and she decides that tea and comfort food will be her new endeavour.

Rosie meets some wonderful people who live their lives travelling from here to there for many reasons, over here in Australia we call them grey nomads, though many young people are starting to take up this lifestyle too, which I completely understand. I actually had no idea the nomadic campervan life was a such big thing in the UK. Its definitely one way to see and experience this big world of ours.

The two main characters she meets are Aria an absolutely fabulous young lady who instantly becomes Rosie's friend, and Max, who instantly butts heads with Rosie. These two characters will help Rosie discover who she is, but not without plenty of speedbumps along the way.

Max is gorgeous, inside and out and there were times I wanted to shake Rosie due to her bullheadedness and inability to see what was in front of her. These two had some fun moments along the way, as well as some more serious and meaningful moments. I wonder if I took up the nomadic life whether I could meet my own Max? Max however, may have a rival in internet blogger Oliver; now that's a storyline you'll need to read for yourselves.

Aria has a bookshop van, a dream I myself have mulled over (maybe I'll revisit that dream), she is so different to Rosie, but in many ways she is the same. They work together so well, I really enjoyed the friendship that formed between them. Aria is a total romantic and her van is full of romance novels, books are her life, just as food is Rosie's. "... and she takes a great big sniff, before she turns to me, her eyes bright as though she’s just discovered the meaning of life. ‘That is the best scent in the world, better than any perfume, any flower. It’s the smell of lives lived, the weight of words…’ ‘ Well, I guess I never quite thought of books that way before.’ Sure, they could transport you to another place, be there for you when no one else was, but I hadn’t quite pictured secondhand books as having lived their own important lives, being ferried from one person to the next, imparting a little magic along the way." I myself have never gotten into the whole book sniffing thing, but I do love the concept of books having lived their own important lives, and they definitely impart magic along the way, just like this book: Rosie's Travelling Tea Shop.

Thanks to NetGalley and HQ Digital for a copy in return for an honest review.
Profile Image for Princessofbookaholics.
219 reviews45 followers
February 23, 2019
I was provided with an eARC by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

About: When Rosie's husband leaves her for another woman, giving the excuse that Rosie is not spontaneous at all, she decides to do something unpredictable. She decides to leave her steady job and open up a travelling tea shop. She gets inspired by other Van Lifers who live on the road and this story is a journey of how she completely changes her life.

Characters: Rosie was shown as an organized character whose character transformation is huge during the story. How she opens up to life and it's challenges on the road. Aria was a fun, eccentric character and I related to her bookworm character. Max was totally swoony.

Feelings: This was a light read. Rosie and Max pulling each other's leg was fun to read. Aria's past story made me tear up. I went through a mix of feelings throughout and it was a great read.

Recommendation: Yes. If you love travelling and want to read light then this is the book for you.

Favourite Quote:
Bookworms do that a lot, fall for the hero in their latest read and get terribly down about the fact they're fictional.
Profile Image for Carla.
6,573 reviews147 followers
August 7, 2023
Rosie's Travelling Tea Shop is a fun story about friendship, new beginnings, romance and festivals. Rosie and her husband have split and she is leaving their home to go, where? After having a bit too much to drink, she buys a pink caravan named Poppy and heads out on the festival circuit. She meets Aria and they form a fast friendship supporting one another, giving advice, sharing laughs and working together to develop their businesses. Along the way, Rosie meets Oliver online. He is part of a forum that Rosie uses to learn more about living in a caravan. She also meets Max, a handsome vegan who is also on the festival circuit and parks right near them. He is attracted to Rosie and wants to take care of her. She thinks she is in love with Oliver. Will the real man or the online man be the one to win her heart.

This story is a lot of fun. As Rosie gets used to living in Poppy and running her business she makes mistakes and gets into humorous situations that had me laughing out loud. I loved Aria (I already read her story) and how she helps Rosie and befriends her. They both have some baggage that they eventually share and they become sisters of the heart. There are all sorts of secondary characters they meet along the way that make this nomad life interesting and enjoyable. This is a story about people who are trying to start anew. They make mistakes, but are able to rely on others to help them. Trust is something that some people give too easily and in this story, Rosie learns that, but it is a good lesson and fortunately, there was no harm done, except to her emotions, but she learns too. I enjoyed this story and although it was not perfect, it was an enjoyable read and I will definitely read more in this series.
January 16, 2019
Oh this was over far too soon, that’s my main thought, actually no, my first thought was I need a Max ! This Is a really lovely pick me up book, pick me up in the sense you don’t want to put it down and also in that it lifts your mood. I loved the characters so much and this is the first book I’ve read by Rebecca Raisin but I will definitely be reading more now. This is a bright ray of sunshine , my only tiny criticism was it felt a bit slow to start but once it got going it was fun !

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest opinion
Profile Image for Marija.
543 reviews43 followers
March 16, 2019
Sometimes you need some light and easy reading material for lifting mood, and this is one of those books. I enjoyed reading from the start till the end.
It is a Rosie's story about finding herself while she is on a journey around UK in her campervan that she bought while she was drunk after she was left by her cheating husband.
Just perfect book that keeps your attention. I'm looking forward of reading Rebecca Raisin other books
Profile Image for Karschtl.
2,228 reviews59 followers
March 23, 2019
I was fascinated by the whole concept of the Van Livers, it sounds quite appealing. At least when you're single and have a job or hobby that lets you earn some money while travelling. It also surprised me how many festivals there are in the UK, it's really one after the other. Unfortunately they don't play a role at all in the book. Rosie only talks about setting up the van at this or that festival site, but that's it. I think there could have been a lot more atmosphere created by elaborating a bit on those. But at least Rebecca Raisin captured the daily life of the ppl in the campers very well, although it is probably very romanticised. I guess in reality it is not so easy to get all necessary permits, have everything so organised like Rosie, produce culinary specials in such a tiny kitchen, get all those customers without doing any marketing or find a best friend the minute you join the camper movement.

Rosie's story is sweat-natured, even though some things here are also too unrealistic. She was a chef with a Michelin-star, and has been in the business for many years, but after all this time her salary allowed her to save only a couple of thousand so far? Max has been in the US army for 10 years, yet he repeatedly calls himself a pacifist? And this catfishing business was also quite surprising and the reasons for that not really comprehensible for me.

But it is a nice comfort read, and the idea with the book-themed tea varieties is great!
Profile Image for Deanne Patterson.
2,112 reviews89 followers
October 28, 2021
I always enjoy this author's books. They are a great pick me up.
Rosie Lewis is a planner, so much so that she has life planned out down to the last detail.
She just knows her perfect job is waiting,her perfect adoring husband and children, well of course children and this will all happen by an exact date.
What this planner doesn't seem to realize is there are no absolutes in life and what you expect to happen is the least likely thing to happen.
Finding out your husband has been cheating and seeing his travelling bag packed and ready to go sure isn't what she has planned on but hey she has just the way to drown her sorrows, a glass or three of wine.
Coming out of the fog the next morning she realizes she has bought a pink campervan and here she goes again with more plans. This time it's to travel the country on the trip of a lifetime with her van that has turned into a travelling tea shop. Nothing could possibly go wrong this time could it? So much fun and just a feel good book.

Pub Date 16 Feb 2021 |
I was given a complimentary copy. Thank you.
All opinions expressed are my own.
127 reviews
March 1, 2021
Absolutely loved this book. Was so hard to put down i read it in just over a day. Loved the friendship between Rosie and Aria.Will be looking out for more by this author when I have got through more books on my ever growing bookshelf 🤣😂.
Profile Image for Sherrie.
512 reviews19 followers
April 9, 2021
Its a cosy, easy to read, predictable chick lit book, with a few cheesy lines, but I liked it!
Profile Image for Silke.
478 reviews22 followers
February 7, 2019
It starts to feel like I am constantly repeating myself… but I just love books about cafes. So when I read the title Rosie’s Travelling Tea Shop I just knew I had to get my hands on this novel. As I have said before I tend to read a lot of feel good stories about tea shops, cafes, bakeries… These stories are like some kind of drug for me. But after reading so many of them you soon discover a traditional pattern and often this ends with “been there, done that”. But oh boy, was I in for a treat with this one!

Or course this book is about selling tea and cakes. But it is taken away from the classic setting of a little café by the coast into, for me, the unknown territory of food trucks. And I don’t think I actually do the story justice by calling it food trucks. Because this story is about Vanlife. People who actually travel all the time and life in their van. After a drunken night Rosie discovers she has actually purchased a pink van to travel around the country with. She is shocked and scared, but at the same time brave enough to just go for it. She has nothing to lose, because all she ever cared about is already lost.

Like I said this story is about tea and comfort food cooked in a little van. But is so much more. It is about finding yourself, daring yourself to be a different person than you always thought you were. Inventing yourself once again. Discovering how life can be if you dare to step away from safety. It is about friendship in unlikely places and finding love when you least expect it.

But and this is a very big but, it is also about dishonesty, the dangers of the internet and being to trustworthy. I loved how the internet community was brought into the story, good and bad. It highlights all the wonderful experiences one can have with people who they meet online. But it also shows that internet is not a safety haven at all. Not everything is what it seems. I loved that there was room in this story for both of these aspects. And I loved it even more that these experiences where incorporated in the story. It made it more than just another feel good story about cakes and love.

But of course... there is some love. Isn’t there always. And I really truly enjoyed the blossoming relationship in this book. How can I not, when one of the love interest looks like Jason Mamoa and there is a lot of witty bantering between the characters. Especially because the Khal Drogo look alike is a passionate vegan who is very keen on converting our sugar and butter loving heroine.

Apart from that booklovers will absolutely adore this story, especially because literature and novels play such a big part. Rosie’s best friend in the Vanlife scene owns a little van bookshop and they decide to work together to create teas that match with books. I absolutely loved that idea and as a book hoarder and book goodies I was so intrigued to see the ideas both of them came up with.
All in all I really loved the whole story and all its little parts. Rosie’s Travelling Tea Shop is more then just another book about selling cakes. Its deeper then your average feel good story. It is without any doubt a cosy read, but it offers you more than just a quick, funny story. To stick on topic it is as sweet and satisfying as Rosie’s Cakes, but with a little extra that makes it wholesome, just like what Max might serve you in his van. An absolute must read if you ask me!

Thank you netgalley and
Profile Image for The Librarian's Granddaughter.
436 reviews39 followers
November 29, 2020
This sweet book was lent to me by a friend. I really liked it and needed something just like it to read. For the first time I read something from the author, but it will not be the last. The idea of ​​a café or bookstore on wheels is not new, but I was still interested in the story. Ah, the cover is so fresh that it won me over right now.

Rosie is a famous chef in an expensive restaurant, to which she has dedicated the last 15 years of her life. Her husband is also a cook and decides to file for divorce on her birthday, admitting that he has an affair with another woman. Driven by his words that she was boring and predictable, she got drunk and the next day realized that she had bought a pink van named Poppy. With a certain amount of fear, she quit her job and decided to open a travelling tea shop and travel around the country. Along the way he will encounter obstacles, but also friends. Ah, love will be offered to her in the image of not one, but two people.

Fate meets her with Aria, who has a traveling bookstore and the two decide to tour together. The contrast between the two is so striking, but their differences are actually perfectly balanced and they manage to become a good team as well as girlfriends. Each of them brings their fears and pain, but they try to help each other during difficult moments. I really liked their idea of ​​exactly how to work together. The author has skillfully managed to describe their characters, which are reflected in the very appearance of their vans - one clean and tidy, the other gloomy and cozy.

Of course, what is a romance book without a dose of love? Oliver is a man that Rosie writes to online and who is also a nomad. His advice helps the young woman a lot, and she slowly begins to fall in love with the idea of ​​the perfect stranger. But is Oliver who he claims to be? Max appears with a bang in Rosie's life. He manages to irritate her at the same time, but also to make her knees weak. Max takes her out of her comfort zone all the time, but that seems to be exactly what she needs. I really liked their dynamics and laughed out loud on some of their scenes. But is Max the right man for Rosie? You will find the answer to this in the book, which I highly recommend!
Profile Image for Paula.
196 reviews
April 6, 2020
3.5 stars. I was in the mood/looking for a feel-good, light-hearted read. Rosie’s Travelling Tea Shop did not disappoint. The main character, Rosie, is a sous chef at a Michelin starred restaurant in London whose husband leaves her after having an affair with a woman at work. Broken hearted, she decides to leave life as she knows it and purchases a pink traveling van, named Poppy, with plans (Rosie is a planner) to turn the van into a pop-up tea shop. And away she goes on her journey of personal growth and finding herself. Along the way, she meets a variety of quirky characters who support and help her in her journey.
I listened to the audio version, and the narrator really helped bring the characters and story line to life for me. A delightful story.
Profile Image for Evelyn Evertsen-Romp.
1,381 reviews75 followers
August 10, 2023
What a cringeworthy book this was. I've read high fantasy books that were more realistic than this.
*Nobody can cook and bake this amount of food in such a small van.
*In real life nobody interacts like the characters in this book and Max especially was entirely unrealistic. Ugh.
*The money side of things was unhinged. And while it seemed important to the writer to make this part of the plot, I seriously wonder why she didn't make it...you guessed it.... realistic.

Considering the whole plot revolves around the interaction between the characters and the heaps of comfort food and baked goods made by Rosie, I was annoyed the whole time.
Is this was a cheap supermarket romance novel, my expectations would have been different.
803 reviews
July 27, 2020
I got really into this until the 'catfish' / network predator bit thank God that was very near the end of the book but it cost stars. But I loved the idea of book, the friendship, the fellowship, the positivity - OK a bit to Happy Days to be true but we can dream can't we? And hey, I kept on reading.
Profile Image for The Library Lady.
3,758 reviews607 followers
October 12, 2020
I usually use the "saccharin warning" bookshelf for kids books, but it is warranted here. From the author's gushy "about me" note through to the smug ending, the amount of sugar in Rosie 's baked goods pales in comparison to the truckload in the plot. True brain candy. I need to detox with a smart, snappy dose of Jennifer Cruisie.
Profile Image for Sharon.
98 reviews
May 8, 2023
An absolutely gorgeous story that I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Profile Image for Shalini (shaliniandbooks).
2,588 reviews215 followers
February 23, 2019
What do you do when you find someone whose embrace you never want to leave? Right, there you go. YOU READ IT SLOWLY

Rebecca Raisin's book had the same effect on me. The story was simple, oft done before, Rosie's husband has an affair, she buys her traveling tea van and wants to get out of London, and off she goes in the van to Brighton at first where she meets Aria or nearly tries to kill her while parking her van. The entire book is a journey of Rosie finding herself and getting her mojo back along with a little romance or two.

The whole book was written beautifully, every line gave me powerful visuals, I loved the quirky characters which form the group the Van Lifer who spent their time traveling in their vans selling their wares.

Rosie's cakes and teas had me salivating to try them all, not sure about spotted dick, which is supposed to be a pudding. Ah well, as said before, great visuals these words gave. The only niggle, I had read 90% of the book, yet Rosie kept falling back to her old London ways of fear, not trusting anyone, always wanting to be safe. The past had a firm hold on her. I wanted to see her fly well before the book ended.

Overall, a fab read, I loved the book for giving me daydreams, and the book loved me back in its own way. It was warm and soothing.
Profile Image for trinaty.
90 reviews3 followers
January 17, 2024
This was sitting at a solid 3 until the last 20% of the book, and now it’s a low 2.

I’ll say what I liked first. Rosie and Aria’s friendship was sweet, and I liked their time together, such as the picnic where she figures out what’s really going on with Aria. All their tea and baking endeavors were very cozy, and I loved Rosie baking in her van and the descriptions of food. All of that was very nice!

Now what I didn’t like:
First of all, Rosie is pretty damn insufferable. She is judgmental as HELL, and as soon as she acted aghast CONSISTENTLY over Max being vegan, as a CHEF, I was over her. Her romance with Max felt so, so forced and the catfish twist with Ollie at the end was very lame and cheugy, I was cringing the entire time. She spends more than half of the book being an absolute asshole to Max, despite him giving her zero reason to act that way besides the fact that she heard “rumors” about him being a heartbreaker, when quite literally nobody said that except one side-character I think. She kept bringing up how Max was so tattooed and not her type and vegan, etc etc., so much so that I was like my king deserves someone better 😭

Anyway, I was deeply disappointed with it and I wish it had left out a romance entirely to be honest, because it didn’t work out well at all.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for JoAn.
2,220 reviews1 follower
November 9, 2020
Rosie's Travelling Tea Shop by Rebecca Raisin portrays a woman who has lived most of her life planning it down to the smallest detail. When her world is turned upside down, she buys a camper van (under the influence of wine) and begins her life all over again. Ms. Raisin's story includes not only humor but personal growth as Rosie learns to live without the plans she has always depended upon. The plot moved smoothly as Rosie met more of the "Van Lifers", learned how to cope with crowds, mini-disasters and relationships. I felt like there was more to working at festivals than Ms. Raisin touched on (permits for a space and food. All in all this was an easy read filled with personal growth for Rosie as she learned to live outside of her comfort zone.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book from HQ Digital via NetGalley. All of the above opinions are my own.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 953 reviews

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